What to Expect From GenXDaddy in 2014

Thanksgiving at Woodcrest 5Honestly, I have no idea. I’m still trying to figure out what to expect tomorrow! But I do have a few ideas for GenXDaddy that I’m currently working on! In 2014 you can look forward to reading about:

1)      Observations from a dad in a public park full of moms (and nannies)

2)      A “To The Death” game of Battleship

3)      A homework assignment that still gives me nightmares

4)      The difference between a Torbjorn and a Borgsjo…and how one of them sent my youngest son to the doctor’s office

And, after a year and a half…

5)  I will finally reveal what happened to Garrett during the weekend of my sister’s wedding!

Two weeks ago, GenXDaddy went down and I had a panic attack. I honestly thought I had lost all of the postings from the past three years…and I had not backed up anything. (Yea…that’s a fun lesson to learn!) With the help of an I.T. guy in Portland, the site was back up and running perfectly in less than 24 hours.

After backing up each post and running Google Analytics (which I need to do more often), here is what I learned about this site:

1)      There are 304 posts on the website, which began in 2009.

2)      If the first 300 posts were made into a single spaced book (no table of content, no pictures, no acknowledgements, nothing but content), it would be 184 pages and contain 80,240 words.

3)      This site receives thousands of views each month. (Um…wow!)

4)      Most of the readers are either in the United States, England, Brazil, or the United Arab Emirates.  (So, you’re not alone in reading this!)

5)      And, most interestingly….an average of 62% of the viewers each month are NEW!

Once again, I want to thank you for reading this site and I look forward to sharing more of our adventures with you in 2014!!



2 thoughts on “What to Expect From GenXDaddy in 2014

  1. You have a viewer from Israel. Audras cousin. sharon posts on facebook

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